selfcare for mums - a candle and skincare treat

Self care for Mums- how to prioritise yourself without the guilt


We’ve heard the term so many times that we may now even roll our eyes at it. Self care- yeah right, when do we have time for that?

We’re not suggesting for a second that you have copious amounts free time while raising your little ones and juggling all there is that life throws at you, but we wanted to show you today that you don’t NEED a whole lot of time to show yourself a little self care.

If you’re ever in doubt, remind yourself that even the smallest bit of time that you can allocate for yourself will go a long way in terms of filling up your cup, reenergising you and you’re also demonstrating to your loved ones how they can do the same. Any time you feel that little bit of Mum guilt creep in, ask yourself- would I begrudge a friend taking this time out for self care for themself? What would I tell them if they felt guilty for it?

Be kind to you, and remember that you also have needs for space and time (even if you are a superhero multitasking Mum!). Now, let’s talk about some of our favourite ways to ‘fill up your cup’, without having to take a huge break from your life demands!



This doesn’t have to be completing a project in one sitting, but instead can be something that you chip away at when you have a couple of minutes here or there.

The crafting process gets us out of our heads and into our bodies (like moving meditation!). Something like having a jigsaw puzzle set up on a puzzle board that you can come back to throughout the day, even just to add a piece or 2 will help you feel a little more regulated and give you a little breather! (Though do remember to keep those puzzle boards up high if your little ones are very little!)

puzzle pieces selfcare blog


Mindfulness- This doesn’t have to be sitting down for 30 minutes and reaching enlightenment.

Remove the pressure of the word mindfulness, and instead try a 30 second breathing exercise- one of our favourite ones can be found here:

It’s a very quick way to regulate your nervous system and to check in with how you’re feeling and it’s only 30 seconds! Perfect for in the car at school pick up, whilst the dinner is in progress, or while waiting in the supermarket queue.

try star breathing

speedy skincare

Self care isn’t all spa days, but looking after your skin goes a long way to supporting your self image and compassion for yourself.

Try looking for an easy all in 1 cleanser, and simplify your bedtime routine to reduce the amount of time it takes to wash off the day.

I love throwing in a speedy (10 minute) face mask every so often (either when I remember it exists, or when I have the time to use it!), and love this one from The Ordinary.

SHOP THE ORDINARY selfcare blog

blessed boundaries

Self care can also come in the form of boundaries- I know, it’s a scary word, but once you set a couple, you can really regain time, space and headspace for yourself.

Set an OOO to automate from your work cut off time. Get a work phone (and put it away out of hours), or limit your business apps and contacts methods to office hours only (there’s lots of helpful ways that phones can do this- give it a Google to find your phones settings).

You’ll find that very quickly work stress will not follow you into your evenings, and you’ll feel fresher when you pick up those messages on your next working day!


incorporate into your routine

Sometimes, adding self care to your to do list can feel like another chore to tick off.

What if you can show yourself some love whilst still carrying on with the things you need to get done?

Grabbing yourself a Little Karma Co. Candle, and lighting it whilst you go about your day is the perfect way to care for your sense. The essential oils harbour wellness and wellbeing benefits, so not only are you treating yourself to a little luxury, you’re also reaping all the reward.

For some self care, we recommend our Alba scent.

Alba has:
bergamot – helps to maintain balanced mood
rose geranium – promotes positivity
clary sage – makes you happy
tangerine – helps reduce stress
lime – gives you mental clarity

SHOP ALBA BALANCING CANDLE alba balancing candle perfect for selfcare moments

Will you try any of these methods of self care? Do you have any you’d recommend? We’d love to hear them!

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Picture of Makenna Guyler

Makenna Guyler

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